Rise Against, The Sufferer and the Witness. Three Days Grace, One-X. Pealing out of the school parking lot in my ‘91 Chevy Beretta, windows...
I was a high school skater boy and totally thought Trapt was some hardcore rock music.
Hyped! Even though I won’t listen.
nOo°0 We’R3 nõT gOnñuh SiT iN tHe dArK aNeYmOoOorRRre
It’s frustrating for me every single time. Something is always not available, or I can’t ship it, or none of the stores near me will carry the...
Can I just say... I’m a fan of Dustin’s look.
I’ll buy it from you. Haha.
I want that tour variant. So badly.
Hello good friend.
I've listened to Julia twice. Wasn't so sure about it the first time, but really listened hard the second time, and appreciated it more. I have...
So, did it actually leak?
I’m trying to search this, but I think I saw them when they played Slapstick for the first time live. About a year ago, in early September. First...
I lied. Brother, Sister. Just fell in love with this record all over again.
The needle's worn the grooves too deep
Start from the beginning to get the whole experience and immerse yourself. Most people in here would say Brother, Sister, but I recommend Catch...
Yup. Thrice is one of those weekends.
Wish I could make it to the show in Orlando, but I’ll be in Orlando two weekends in a row the two weekends after the Foxing show. Driving back...
Love their liner notes. I could gush over all of their thoughts on the songs and creative processes being them. So. Good. Now THAT hypes me.
Blame @teebs41 for your soup hankering.
Did you come knocking on my door Or did I come to yours?