Just the grey variant?
I've said this before, and I'll say it again, but it's a testament to the strength of their discography and their output to see how varied...
Oh man. If I could go back and rediscover them. I'm gonna just say Beggars, but only because it's my favorite album of all time.
Hoping we are all safe then. Still haven't received a shipping update. Just says that it is "shipping soon." Someone on the subreddit already...
If I didn't already have Palms this week, I'd be weaker.
I'll hear it when I have the album. I'll hera it when I have tje ambul I'll haer it whne I hvea the albmu I'Ll hEaR iT wHeN i HaVe ThE aLbUm!!!!!!!
Dammit. O, Porcupine is probably my favorite mwY song.
I think I'm going to resist.
Also, this: [MEDIA]
I know absolutely everything about not knowing anything about production and I think it’s good.
I love it more with each listen, catching nuances and whatnot.
This has been aging pretty well.
This is what my order page looks like as well. The phrasing of it just concerns me, because I want the Wax Mage, not the other /100 variant.
I don’t remember he one of a kind verbiage when I ordered, but I knew I ordered Bundle 1.
Let me know what they say. I’d be really bummed if something changed. I spent a lot on this $$$$.
Anybody else’s order like this? My email with the digital downloads that comes in an email for each variant in the bundle, no longer reflects...
So, my preorder email no longer says Wax Mage, but Clear +3 Colors.
Album is amazing and Beyond the Pines is legit chill inducing.
Ummmmm. Opinions are opinions. But, nope.
As usual, I'm struggling with the two singles. Being at the opening of the album doesn't help. I just want to jump straight to The Dark on each...
Kinda. Sorta. Yeah.