Not looking good. Idk what happened after Common Courtesy. All strike outs.
Issue everyone hazmat suits and let us live
Fake it til you make it lmao. There’s gonna be a lot of that, each month.
Basically if it already wasn’t selling super well it’s getting cancelled. If selling well postpone till 2021. Easiest solution.
It’s literally impossible for any business to sustain for that long period of time. Money talks, there will be shows before then.
Where’s the album
Ticketmaster sucks? Huh?
This is fire
This is what I wanted to say
Already one of her best songs, which is NOT EASY
I think we’re gonna see a lot of bands tour in December, January, February when they don’t usually do. Would be a good time to makeup some of this.
A lot of that too has to do with other tours getting cancelled and bands pulling out of festivals. If half the bands drop because they no longer...
Without a doubt the worst openers I have ever had to sit through. First was an obvious buy-on band, and the second was the guitarist of...
The only bands I got to see this year were Alter Bridge and Have Mercy, coincidentally two of the worst shows I’ve ever been to lmao.
Hey at least it will be their next year. I’d rather that then a reschedule this year, even if shows happen in the fall it will be too overcrowded.
It’s more in line with Phoebe’s tweets lol
No one knows what’s going on or what will happen that’s the news
This fest never happens anyway lmao
So yeah the horse are winning it all
I’m sure at this point they don’t know. The first movers like Coachella and Bonnaroo have cannabilized many of the available fall dates. A lot of...
At this point you’re gonna start seeing tour get rescheduled for the same dates, next year.
Sad about no Spanish love. Also bummed my show is on a Monday now but the show must go on!!
Don’t show Hawthorne heights this
Hopefully the lineup stays generally intact and maybe the days will be a little better spread out for me. I’m sure smaller acts will have to drop,...