This show kind of stinks.
Album still rips, wild it's been 10 years. I'm also completely fine if they're done as a band.
Agreed on not a whole lot pulling me in. This sounded subdued(?) or something like that. I don't know, hard to phrase it. "Diamond in the Dark"...
1) State commissions need to band together and create one, coherent, ruleset. 2) Fighters, coaches and broadcasters need to attend (at least)...
Rahm gave her such a low bar to clear and she couldn't even manage that.
Are there any simple/best ways from Buffalo to Toronto or vice versa?
That was the fight to make when they signed him in the first place, glad they came to their senses. Hopefully there isn't a riot this time lol.
[MEDIA] If anyone's in the area.
I don't know, didn't hate the cover, but it's also probably the first Shawn Mendes song I've ever heard :shrug: That said, this song is one that...
Really vibing to Good Love, but I'm a sucker for anything Billy Gibbons plays on.
Rabbit Hole is going to be great in an arena.
Sounds like a Coheed song.
Did Wendy ever tell the kids that grandpa was an abusive alcoholic, or did I miss that?
Fun main card. McKee looked off all night, almost like he was trying too hard? Or not taking it seriously? I don't know. Please, give Pico the...
Mauro belongs in the dumpster with the rest of this crew.
Dude was such a hammer in World Series of Fighting, he might have been undefeated in that stretch. They did him so bogus when they gave Aldo that...
An immediate rematch no one really was asking for, 9 months after the first fight. A tournament wrapping up a year after it started. I like...
MMA media is a joke.
Seems pretty watered down for my tastes. Maybe I could piece together enough to go one day, but even then.
I like Will's albums well enough, but still shocking he's leaving.
Yeah, I'm out on Hooker. I'm not real interested in seeing if he can turn things around, for his sake more than anything.
Sounds like a return to their older form. I didn't mind the last two albums, but these new songs sound good.
Real nice card tomorrow. If my ESPN+ app actually works I might watch it.
I'm kind of the opposite on this. He's 34, neither of them are going to be grapplers. Cash in while you can before Izzy moves to 205.
Cool, I'm pumped for it.