LFG. Same boat. Flying from FL to NC to see them.
I don't know if you all already had a mid-year release discussion at some point but I figured I'd drop my favorites so far this year. [IMG]
He definitely has never had a good friend meticulously introduce him to good metal for the last decade plus. Nope.
You misspelled great and fun.
I was also raised on Myspace deathcore (other than like... SOAD, Distrubed, radio metal) and still very much love the genre. I actively listen to...
We bought these tickets so long ago lol. I had no kids when we bought them now I have two kids.
I reported this comment for harassment.
I made the account to post in the metal thread but it needed to be said lol
I do feel like enjoying the PJ films as a Tolkien purist is often a hot take, but I feel that the films are about as good as you can do them in...
Thanks man. Really appreciate it. It combines my two passions of sharing metal music with people and annoying Pat.
Album is very good. Not as good as the new Knoll but solid stuff. More bands should make more good grindcore.
The best album of 2020 was Irrational Pull - 156/Silence.
I made an account just to tell you how much of a bad take this is.
Hello people of the metal thread. My name is Drew. I used to run Mind Equals Blown a decade ago. I also write the Hope You Like It newsletter with...