When the lights come on and the beachland ballroom performances are amazing.
Hardcore dudes love talking about stomping out nazis and sexual predators in the scene until its one of their buddies. This also applies to...
I'd also recommend not training to failure, you don't need to destroy yourself when you workout. Consistently is the biggest thing to make...
I'd honestly just start with the bar and add weight in small increments. Focus on form, making sure you're doing it properly before you worry...
Also benched 265 a couple days ago, two second pause, just to prove to myself I could after my poor bench performance at the meet on Sunday.
Nate is probably the only person who could replace Caleb in cave in.
New gym has a loadable sled and turf area. I might actually do some cardio now.
First meet was yesterday, hit 380lbs on squat, 463lbs on deadlift and missed all my bench attempts. I don't know what was off with my bench but it...
Everything after come clarity is pretty meh but that album and everything before it is solid.
I've got it made living in cleveland for shows. Got all the great local and national shows. Plus columbus, pittsburgh and Detroit are all pretty...
Soul glo for sure
Kilo plates are heavier than lb plates. I'm convinced.
Damn. This hits hard. Tbdm was such a gateway band into metal for me. It's really weird losing people that you don't know on a personal level but...
I take pre workout if I'm training in the morning or just feeling tired.
Two weeks from my first meet and I hit 265 on bench, 365 on squats, and 455 on deadlift. Prep is going well and I'm feeling pretty good heading...
Heart attack man guy has been an edge lord for as long as I can remember. Everyone in northeast Ohio knows he is and when he gets called on it he...
Spy just played a 15 minute headline set and it was awesome.
The 1977 hobbit is definitely some stoner/doom metal shit. All the weird live action/animation mash up is so weird but also great.
I have a Russian big muff clone and it's great for bass or doomy guitar stuff.
I can't wait for that spice album.
Kidcrash were one of the greats for sure.