but actually what I really want is for Ganon to not be the villain again what I love about the DS Wind Waker sequel games is once that fucker...
I want it to take place in Hyrule City. I want a setpiece boss fight on a magic hanging monorail speeding through the city. I want bird...
two semifinal teams 0-2, one with the MVP? Silver made the call last night
I swear to god if the wolves blow this
ahh. yeah that'd be cool. can't say I'm familiar lol
gender roles man. adventure games are for boys, so the hero is a boy
Zelda Crossing lol maaaaaaaaaaaaaan
I know I'm not the only one who wants Zelda to be the chosen hero for one game and fight Ganon with a sword but good luck getting that one past...
[MEDIA] leaker tweet. "THIS IS A HINT" is it happening?
damn, that pixie cut Zelda look what they took from us
I mean I'm excited but also not excited so much for the limited series emmy
[MEDIA] Also this is the only time you will see Paul George in that jersey
Maybe he plays Mole Man or Impossible Man
I have actually never been ok until now
Majora's Mask has the most memorable "vibes" in maybe all of video games for sure also that awesome scene in Twilight Princess when Ilyas fall...
they made his eyes white like Deadpool too this shit looks fucking awesome guys honestly I think we've been a little too hard on the MCU and...
50 years after his creation wolverine will finally be on the silver screen I prayed for moments like this
holy shit guys look it's fucking wolverine in a movie I'm dreaming
well see that's what I'm fuckin talking about y'all this movie is about to egot
doom da doom da doom doom
Doom has a mask on and he's horribly disfigured underneath. if you really need to, use the classic marvel de-aging shit for his origin scene. and...
gimme gimme gimme gimme
the problem is they're toymakers, not storytellers. they reeeeally don't give a shit as long as the experience is there. environmental...
Wind Waker has the only good story. Dying on this hill