a 20th Anniversary tour that doesn't play their hometown? Edit: I didn't realize this is just the first leg
I like his comments on the merch. I hate going to a show with the hopes are getting a shirt and all of the designs are just awful.
so good. The vibe with the new songs seems to be more in line with JM than the previous Wilderness stuff, which I'm very happy about.
"I was sitting at home last week and I got a call......Hey do you want to play Riot Fest? I was like, sure, next year?........No, Next Friday"
Lol you could have eaten a fried Oreo or various other fried items
Does anyone know what the attendance figures were? It seemed pretty packed from about 5pm on but how many people were there ?
I gotta say the RF App was pretty solid. Easy to navigate the schedule and I enjoyed the wake up messages and even the joke one they did...
I didn't get a chance to read through most of the recent pages here but what were your favorite RF performances? For me I'd go with Matt and Kim,...
well done! Very Impressive. Those all sound great!
yeah she was great, I had never really heard her before but definitely a fan now
so I really proved it can be done. After standing, jumping, and moshing for 10 plus hours I made it out to the K Flay aftershow, well worth it....
that sounds fun, where is this located? Is it close to the fest?
In regards to the after shows, I'm impressed by anyone that can go to a concert for 10 hours and then follow that up by going to a concert. And...
lol totally didn't see your hologram comment when I just posted
Maybe I'm in the minority but it would be cool if they did some kind of Hologram performance like they did with Tupac at Coachella I think a few...
wow I knew none of this, thanks for the info
what do you mean about JLL?
I'm sure no matter what times whichever bands were put at there would be people complaining about conflicts but I do feel like as far as fan bases...
I'd be fine with a change as well, has anything like that ever happened before?
Thats how I feel about Jerry Lee Lewis
I'm actually excited to see a few minutes of Jerry Lee Lewis.
What band is this?
I'm glad you brought that up. I have never been to RF before, what even is that?
not liking these conflicts but I guess its just part of what happens at a festival. My biggest issue is Alkaline and Wonder Years at basically...
The Saturday lineup looked the weakest to me, like most people have said, so I've been checking out the bands that day that I haven't heard of yet...