I feel like I missed something, why does everyone hate Melon on here? Just out of curiosity
Lil. Is. Out.
45 is the best song they've made in years. Something about Derycks delivery is incredible in it
Only song on there I still revisit
I honestly didn't like anything off of Deluxe and I liked every single Blink album. I thought California for the most part was a fun return to form
Chorus is a little repetitive but it's a solid song Kinda reminds me of The Machine (The original demo) by Angels And Airwaves a bit funny enough
It's not bad but meh..
It sounds like if Bleach and the 99 singles had a baby
This works well as a teaser because it left me wanting more, and still having no idea what direction this album could take
Would love the instrumentation to drag out a little longer but this is tight
Songs gonna be 20 seconds with only "Generation. Generational Divide I hope your Dad lets me come inside" (IS THAT REALLY IT?)
3/3 still makes me so happy to see this bands second wind after a few years of being so concerned about Derycks health
Stronger than ever
I first heard What's My Age Again when I was around 3 or 4 while my aunt was babysitting, I got put in one of the longest time outs I can remember...
Jake is my favorite songwriter around at the moment, and I am so damn excited for this
Anyone kinda get a Would It Kill You era HGB vibe from The Grind?
Jesus she could of at least added an epilepsy warning to that
"18 and A wicker basket" Im 23 I can't relate to this shit anymore
I loved most of California but deluxe was the bottom of the barrel for me. First Blink release I deleted off of my library besides a song or 2....
This reminds me of the summer time So it matches the criteria of a good Blink 182 song
I like this way more than I expected.. I was not a fan of the deluxe or Simple Creatures
She said I got a new raccoon That's why I built this pool (Is that really HISS?)
[MEDIA] New song!
A lot of the comments on Blinks IG are pretty damn racist. Yikesss
People are forgetting that Lil Wayne put out one of the best Post hiatus Blink songs [MEDIA]