I've been winging it, but maybe a template would be good. Usually I have the person PM on whatever site I post on, so they at least put in enough...
Thanks....I would have liked to have been involved when that was happening. We will see how my recruiting goes today.
Gonna try to do some recruiting today, see if I can bring in some more guys.
Any kind of lag and you will miss a field goal.
I've missed one every game.
Dez for kam?
Probably not better than what you have, unless you want a big dick like Sherman.
Let me know if adding Kam in some sort of three way could make it work.
GG. I can't wait until they patch the qb scrambling issues. Wilson froze for me on that fourth down play like a freaking idiot. Last year that's a...
Did it invite you I'm in the lobby?
I'm done now if you can go.
I'm making dinner now, so it will be at least 30 minutes until I can jump on.
It just advanced this afternoon.
I just got booted about 3 minutes into getting in. Don't think it is worth trying now, we will play 5 minutes and get disconnected. Now sounds...
I think I am in now.
Ok trying now.
It's not happening for me, just can't sign in to Servers. Saw your invite but EA is fucking me.
I'm try now again.
I am downloading it now. I hear it is pretty good. I guess until they sort this out we can't play. Open Beta starts today so tonight might be a...
Yeah their Twitter says Servers have been down off and on for the last hour. Seems like Battlefield 1 Open Beta has crashed them.
Looks like BF1 is crashing their servers. Let's see if this restart works
Booting up Ea not letting me sign on, going to restart
I can play in like 10 minutes or maybe less.
I do think we should tally the user records vs the CPU and maybe next seasons change the sliders or other settings if possible if everyone is losing.
I don't think I've ever seen a Rookie Class like this before. Only 1 QB says 2nd round, 2 say 6th, and 3 say 7th, rest say undrafted. Now of...