LoL the fact that a reality tv star brought america on the brink of a second civil war would be so fucking funny if it wouldnt be so sad
So on German public radio, a political scientist today said that the Trumps will ofc continue to wield some political influence, but he thinks...
Gabolph Twittler.
I always assumed reps mean atlas shrugged when they say "the bible"
So, i drove my gf from Munich to Cologne this weekend (~600 km). She got a cool promotion within her company, but in cologne. So after moving in...
Historian Timothy Snyder in 2017: "Watch out for the paramilitaries. When the men with guns who have always claimed to be against the system...
Structually, that is a bit like saying the allies were the fascists cuz they banned the nazi party in germany after 1945
i need trump on pokemon go, now.
Twitter is the worst, i desparately need to get back on twitter. Drug addict.
I dont watch wwe, but if my dream from tonight is real, Daniel Bryan will win the rumble.
Hey I have never read a single tweet by Angela Merkel, dont think she even has an account. I still feel like i know what's going on in my...
Well aint that orwellian
What would happen if we all went on parler and talked about seizing the means of production?
Also we need way more public enlightenment on what the terms fascism and socialism actually mean, ffs.
Also, trump would definately have his myspace song be on autoplay and it would probably be blessthefall's guys like u make us look bad
I need Trump on tinder. Covefe.
20 years from now, when i write a book on 2016-2021, this will be my introduction quote.
Time to remember this gem [MEDIA]
Me, 12 minutes ago
"Today, DT truly became president."
10 years from now, reps will still weekend at bernies Trump
As my phd supervisor, a female professor, once told me: people who insist on being addressed with the title, have a problem with themselves. But...