I read this article about Lincoln a few years back and it's really pretty great stuff if anyone's interested. It mainly deals with his depression...
I like this a lot. Really like the guitars on the intro part.
Yeah, that bridge got me going. It was unexpected and awesome.
FYI the Direct Hit! album is diverse and fantastic.
If you haven't seen it, peeps should check out their Austin City Limits performance. It's a good time.
"Relieve the Pain" is a cool track.
Listening later for sure.
Yeah, I'll make a point to listen to their stuff. Everything I've heard of them I've liked, but I'll give it a deeper dive.
Listening to their split now and I really like this a lot. Completely wasn't expecting this sound based on their name. I'm sure I'm not the first!...
Maybe once or twice in my life. They've always been a band I've never really gotten around to, but I'm aware of them mostly based off of bands I...
Damn, this is great. Reminds me of Grandaddy a little bit.
Wow, this dude is really, really talented. Great stuff. Amazing.
I like this song. Great damn bridge.
If you go on his page, he has two vids from that same set which are both 40 mins long. He plays a bunch of songs including a TBS song or two....
Weird, me too.
Great bridge there. I like it.
Yeah, this is really cool. It sounds great.
Wow, I'm liking this. Getting TBS vibes on the bridge on "Hiding With Boys." "Astral Projection" is a jam, too.
Woah, I really like this, and I hadn't heard of them before. "Phoebe Weatherfield" is a jam. Can chorus.fm just highlight cool albums every once...
I had forgotten how great of a song "How I Met Your Mother" is. Big fan of the "We shook, we spoke, like it had never been done" part. Also, when...
Hadn't heard of them. Really cool.
This is very cool. Really interested in these songs.
Wow, had no idea this was coming out. Excited to listen later.
Damn, that was great. Loved the hi-hat action during the chorus'/quieter moments.
Dig it. Great tune.