grow up
hello ken
mind your manners
sure jan
normal Friday for cobra
that nice young man NF and his wholesome lyrics
please remember to recycle yourself
eat sand nerd
aliens got banned a few times. blink 182 got cancelled. littlejohn left. bofa
I stand corrected. Pete is equally if not more bad than Fred
I haven’t heard anything about Fred besides his filthy language. Pete Wentz on the other hand is bad news
what is bofa?
We watched the Titans beat the Patriots
log off
we listen to nf exclusively already, but thank you
He’s not allowed to engage with music that has bad words
I’m 71 and married to a former Vice President
@CobraKidJon ride me like a forklift king
Gore/Clinton has a nice ring to it ;-)
let’s set aside our differences and come together to remove blink 182 from schools
don’t cat call me al will ether you
it’s why I created parental advisory labels sweetie