the whole stock footage thing worked for the wonder years' greatest generation videos.... not this.
the nas/durant interview started out shaky but turned out pretty awesome, but this whole studio audience thing on the other hand is super awkward...
that opener with jay z though...
Not sure. I really hope they continue that perk. I mean, it was only the beer that was free. You still had to pay for alcohol.
amazing food (they slow cooked goats over campfires all day and served it for dinner along with pulled pork and chicken legs... super tasty bbq),...
presales sold out already.
chippewa passes are worth every penny.
it's great.
these lyric videos have been awesome
a new album would be sweet but another tour is sufficient.
already down. anyone have a different link?
those bells in the opening makes me feel like it's the sequel to 'right where you want me to be' [IMG]
for some reason i can't access it at that link. anybody have a different way of streaming?
pretty forggetable, which is unfortunate because i really like adtr
completely agree. they opened for +44 the first time i saw them and it was just as memorable as travis barker playing with one hand. in that same...
the album performance at eaux claires was spectacular. 8 (circle) is a favorite and the closing track was printed in the eaux claires booklet to...
absolutely agree. i watched one of his facebook live broadcast last week and it was far more interesting than the majority of his shows. seems...
thats a very fair point, but my only rebuttal is that the pilot was decent (mostly due to the fact that alexander payne directed)
that skit was the worst thing i've ever seen on HBO... and i watched all of true detective season 2.
that video stresses me out. who are these kids? who are their parents? HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO THEM!?
runaway is one of the catchiest songs i've ever heard.