we’re back to simic nissa/krasis again lol
that is huge. i feel like that downgrades companion and will probably not dominate. also Agent and Fires being banned means we’re returning to a...
Pokemon Battle but with Villagers [OC] : AnimalCrossing
i got annoyed with the custscenes in XCX (and lengthy cutscenes in all videogames) that i skip more often than i should. but with XC1 i find...
that is an absolute steal crap i thought it was 15USD i mean at 45 it's still a good purchase
i haven’t. i looked it up and it looks interesting, def let me know what you think. i tried out a bunch of deckbuilding card games recently but...
if we could switch 1 MU’s winner from the bracket i wonder what everyone’s pick would be. lots of controversial winners
it took me way too long to realize people were talking about Hollow Knight and not Shovel Knight. i looked at the current list so far and now im...
found a really good tutorial for understanding the combat of XC1 and what the stats do. I didn't want to include the thumbnail just in case people...
Skells broke the game but it was so fun I didn't care
i want this on switch!!!! [MEDIA]
UK software sales - May 31, 2020 - Xenoblade debuts at #1, sold more than double the original - Nintendo Everything
i dont even wanna know what the 3ds one looks like. how was that even possible
i just watched the sun set in game and eventually the the stars and it was just so calming. the graphics itself isn’t the best thing i’ve seen on...
what’s NPC trading generally used for?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 • forum.chorus.fm we have a thread for XC2. but we can have all general XC related content here
that escalated TOO QUICKLY
@Jake W answer this at least
how do i unlock appearances? do i just buy the armor from the store or are those unlocked in a different way? i have some new appearances...
yeah i think this is what did it king that intro was so dope. goosebumps
[ATTACH] it’s here. weird it said monday but i’m not complaining
is it though? [SPOILER]
that’s so cute and he’s so little more like toon link i 100% will like all Link (the dog) related posts moving forward
this made my day bless this post