If anyone is on Untappd that wants another friend give me and add: ChrisMclean
Currently enjoying a "Hardcore IPA" by Brewdog in the sun. 9.2%, but drinks like its a lot less. Nice being out in the sun as well.
Every time I go to post something I get beaten by "Messages have been posted since you loaded this page". Fast movers.
Non stop notifications.
Hill running is horrible. I did a 15 mile hill race last year and it killed me.
Lightening legs.
Just ran a mile in 6:18 seconds. Race training is going pretty well.
Great looking labels.
I rarely ventured outside of the €urokids threads back on AP. I definitely feel I'll be posting a lot more on here.
I do this with my friends as well. Every week we get together and everyone brings the worst film they can find along with them. The last film we...
I was the same name on AP. I hate it, but I kept it for continuity sake...
Very big fan of the new site, and a great post there Jason. AP was great, made some friends that I still interact with, have met up with and...
The company ended up sending me a bottle of Brooklyn Sorachi Ace instead of the Improved Old Fashioned, which I'm not very happy about, especially...
In the midst of a giant panic attack, with no idea what has triggered it. Time to load up on Valium and hide until this blows over. Hadn't had...
I'm far too hungover to function today.
Drank a bottle of Buxton Brewery - Yellow Belly last night. By far the best Peanut butter stout I've ever had. Beats out Belching Beaver by a...
Is Wicked Weed considered hard to find? I've never had any of their beers, but I have the opportunity to pick up 5 of their beers (La Bonté Figs,...
The Witch isn't showing anywhere near me, and I'm pretty gutted about it.
Hope everyone had a better Easter than me. Spent 9 hours working at a ski slope, outside, in the rain.
I've made a couple of beers. The first beer I ever attempted was a Mint Chocolate stout which turned out alright. Played around with a few ideas...
I love psuedoSue. I've managed to get a bunch of bottles and fresh cans of it over here in the UK which I was very happy about.
Just bought a bottle of Brooklyn's Improved Old Fashioned. A beer based on the cocktail. Looking forward to getting that in the fridge.
Picked up a bottle of Stagger saurus by Staggeringly Good Beer. They have some really great labels. [IMG]
What I wouldn't give to get my hands on more Jai Alai. Had it when I was in Florida, and it is my favourite. I'd kill for it in the UK.