I miss my beard. Stupidly shaved it off, and now I'm not sure I have the patience to grow it back. [IMG]
I did, but it's a site that only ships within Europe, so probably not much use for you!
I've got a bottle in order, just waiting for it to arrive, it sounds great.
Just added you.
Tørst is such a great bar. So glad I took the time to visit it when I was in NY.
Was it Brazil again?
It's a damn good beer.
Thank you!
Just finished a bottle of Risgoop by 3Floyds & Mikkeller. Easily on of the best beers I've had. [MEDIA]
I have rapid cycling Bi-polar. I've definitely been through some scary times where I've kinda had to take a step back and look at what I was...
Having a girl over for dinner next week, so had a practice run of what I'm making. Made Vietnamese lamb shanks, and they turned out wonderfully....
I had to get a dog walker to come in. Couldn't leave my dog alone that long.
I wish I could join in, but the cost of postage from the UK would be ridiculous.
I'm no longer a student, and I felt so much older than the majority of the clientele. It's very much a student night.
Algernon Cadwallader album. I just liked the cover as it stands out a bit.
It is indeed. How did you know?
Congrats. I find out tomorrow if I get a raise or not.
Don't be mean...
I recently went to some terrible club night, and got horribly drunk. Had one photo taken, and I can't not laugh at it. I'm in the red shirt... [IMG]
I have a dog... Sadly had to have to one on the left put down a few months ago.[IMG]
I can't go near a cigarette without being sick. Tobacco and I do not go well together!
Also that cabinet is incredible.
I'm terrible when it comes to cellaring beer. I've maybe got 20 beer in my cabinet, but I find it hard to resist drinking them.
Why thank you!
Just added everyone I didn't already have.