Into the Blinding Light The Lovesong Writer Autumn Leaves Revisited At This Velocity
Mimicking everyone and saying I’m surprised Steps, Asleep, or Tomorrow didn’t make it to the finals.
Workforce Didn’t expect it to come down to these two, honestly.
WATT Steps
WATT Drowning Steps Division St
Tomorrow Steps Signals
I’m weird on that album cover but I love the art direction of the merch and video. Song is great.
How Long Is the Night Paris In Flames (Tough.)
Night Summer Paris Crash
How Long is the Night Cross Out the Eyes A Hole in the World Autobiography of a Nation
Streaks Brightness
Where the Circle Ends Porcelain This Side of Brightness Dying In New Brunswick
This is already difficult
Mass as Shadows This Side of Brightness
Five Guys has the best veggie sandwich and it’s 4 bucks
Pity Haunt
I have plenty of memories yelling Beverly Hills obnoxiously out of my car windows w friends. Can’t ever hate that song.
Luckily, this thread is pushing me to listen to new (to me) Weezer albums. Basically only listened up to the Green Album and the singles from...
Video is ridiculous. FKA is always amazing
I Am Rooftop Forget You All the Time No Future/No Past Psychic Trauma Sight Unseen Offer An End Definitely hard to pick a favorite off the new one
Cleon Peterson and his artwork for that release rules
Take Control