Part II Future
Wholeheartedly agree.
Close-minded fools. Don't even get me started with the flack that I got bumpin After Laughter. "Over-produced" comes up a lot. /eyeroll
I played Future specifically to people who were vocal about their indifference towards Paramore and all of them audibly giving me a newfound “Oh”...
Last Hope Part II Future Now
Ha, thanks!
Signed to Run For Cover for an album expected June 28th! [IMG] [MEDIA] [IMG] Tracklist: Airport Volcano Cops Aliens Poison Twist Cone Ur...
Wonder when we’ll hear more from No Devotion. They were actively recording since the release of Permanence then went dark towards the middle of...
Been watching these Far Out sessions over and over. Probably the most an album has inspired me with my writing in a while. Also, the drumming.
This is the first in such a long time since Now, Now has visited Florida. Can’t wait
Ain’t It Fun Escape Route Hate to See Your Heart Break Part II Daydreaming Future Grow Up Now
Last Hope Interlude: I’m Not Angry Anymore Daydreaming Proof I remember showing this record to everybody whether they were for or indifferent...
All I Wanted
All I Wanted Careful
My Heart Franklin Never Let This Go Here We Go Again
Wind-Up though?
Autumn Cancer
Autumn Understanding Cancer Turnpike
Lovesong Cross
Ratings only shown for 2019 albums. January Duster - 1975 (EP) (1999) Horse Jumper of Love - S/T (2017) mewithoutYou - [Untitled] (2018) Choir...
Magnets Cross Streaks
Jet Black