Not listened to full album yet. But really liked what I have heard so far. IDTII for me was a mixed bag. I really liked what Bemis tried but I...
I think that opinion is pretty popular on here atm. They always seem untouchable on absolutepunk though. Ive certainly seen some posters on here...
Pearl Jam are my least favourite of the big four grunge bands. Because i do not consider them a grunge band. They are one of the greatest bands...
Im with you on this. It has some decent stuff but much of post futures jimmy just doesnt stick for me. I agree. I wonder if its because his...
Emmure are still a thing? Streaming aside, i dont understand what would inspire people to purchase ANOTHER album of open chugging. "There's one...
I hád totally forgotten about this lawsuit. How can victory continue from here. Every one of its biggest bands seems to sue it. I used to...
The Bronx - I The Bronx - II The Bronx - III In order about 3 times in a row.
This looks likes a scene for scene remake. Im sure people that enjoyed the it the first time round will enjoy and It'll be a respectable enough...
I have finally gotten around to listening to Worry by Jeff Rosenstock. It's brilliant
The term liberal is being bandied around in a lot of propaganda ATM. In England there are those referring to neoliberalism and those referring to...
The western world is a messed up placed indeed and my consolations to all those on here upset by the result. I know how you feel after Brexit....
Hey dude. Long time no see.
I dont get the hate for Freedom. I loved it. Elektra is a phenomenal live opener.
Did not see that coming. I do think that's been our (Newcastle) best performance this season though in terms of style of play.
If people can't see an issue with subjecting people to biased news and particularly bias written from one perspective and how that differs from...
I love Touche but they ruined this song in my opinion. Its just not made for Jeremy's voice.
Oh god. You went there. SHTS is my favourite Finch album. WIITB is a scene classic no doubt but the sound was definitely getting played out for...
Really digging this. I came a bit late to the Hostage Calm party. Cant wait for some kind of release. Its got a bit more grit to it than the last...
I dig this. But I do wish the chorus packed a harder punch. I never really gave any time to Damages. It's weird because I really liked I Will...
The last As Cities Burn album is the best. They think it were a joke album but all their stuff before is run of the mill post hardcore (and the...
You are awesome. That's how it should be.
Clayman The Jester Race Whoracle
Loved the first song. Havent listened to the other two. The first album was great. High hopes for this one.
MOB for me felt like a throwback to early 00's pop punk which is why i dig them. But yes. Lyrically they are atrocious. I do still love the odd...
Agree on Reroute (its up there at least) and while STYE is the best album Korn never wrote. I put it below atleast 3 other in flames albums. But...