But, yeah, I've known other parents who are super regimented and, no matter how disciplined they are, the kid just doesn't sleep well.
She just has a calm, patient personality that she clearly gets from my wife. And she is a crazy deep sleeper, also like my wife. If she doesn't...
Kids! I have a kid! Every kid is wildly different! My wife and I were married 12 years before having a kid. We were lucky to travel a lot. We had...
Yeah, there's the whole problem of Trump not even being charged in the case.
That cheetah is sexy as hell and, honestly, I've never driven high, but you'd better believe I'm going to now.
The Adventure is probably the closest we'll ever come to what would've been on that imaginary album.
If one were to make a definitive playlist of Angels & Airwaves and +44 which sounds most like a blink 182 album that was never released between...
Well hell. I should've known. But, come on, you gotta hand it to them for "Nobama"! Classic! I remember I once had a "debate" with someone with...
Is Brandon the new "Thanks, Obama"? Personally, I feel Republican humor was firing on all cylinders during the Obama years. Apart from the...
‘02. On 9/11, I distinctly remember a teacher telling the class to “expect to wake up tomorrow morning drafted.” Haha. Trauma piled on top of trauma.
Yeah, my co-worker, who can't even Google a phone number, is somehow an IT expert when it comes to her emails.
It's kind of hilarious that Trump supporters believe this is the way the FBI would "choose" to bring him down. This will be a super long, drawn...
Jesus, the FBI has to be super embarrassed right now. All they had to do was ask him whether or not the documents were declassified.
I'm basically at the point where not only am I certain he'll win in 2024, but am thinking we may be looking at a Trump hologram president after...
One thing that gives me a sliver of hope that maybe he could be in hot water is his insistence that evidence has been planted.
Just for fun, I read comments on the Daily Wire's site to their story about Garland's statement. Dear. God. I don't know why I hate myself so much.
Yeah, I see your point, but I think it would be a more guarded, quiet skepticism, rather than further elevation of the martyred saint.
But, of course, what we see will hardly be enlightening. I mean, why would it. It's an ongoing investigation into potential criminal activity. And...
Yeah, this is what was expected. Basically just a very formal "fuck you" to Donald Trump that they'll unseal and let the public see, rather than...
Anyone interested in this album should make it a point to learn about Doug Hopkins. A great songwriter, gone way too soon.
I mean, this HAS to be satirical, right? This is the shit I would say to my wife as a joke.
Good live album. The punishing guitar sound comes through. A bit unrealistic on the vocals, though, because you can actually hear them....
There are very few bands where I can see so many different top fives and be like, "yep, that looks good to me."
Just listened to Man Overboard for this first time in forever last night. What a great song. Kind of an outlier in that era of the band, in that...
Dammit Wasting Time Feeling This Pathetic MH 4.18.2011