YES! This band and Valencia hold such a special place in my heart. I just hope that this doesn't mean Empty Houses is done... They were kind of...
MusicButler will track and notify you on album releases, and also integrates with Spotify and amazon. It isn't an app, so it's universal, and you...
Turnover Mamiffer Voyager Wilderun Counterparts Stray from the Path Nile
King Princess Old Dominion The Happy Alright Punchline PVRIS Jinjer Leprous Alcest Aephanemer (re-release on streaming platforms) Hour of Penance...
Torche - Admission Taking Meds - I Hate Me Pretty Vicious - Beauty of Youth Sunsleeper - You Can Miss Something... Too Close To Touch - I'm Hard...
This video is beautifully shot. I love it.
Glassing - Spotted Horse Vale of Pnath - Accursed WVNDER - Nothing Stays Eat Your Heart Out - Florescence Narco Debut - Strange & Ever-Changing...
Fans of pop punk, make sure to check out Stickup Kid's Soul Drive. Incredibly underrated band; the way they build their songs is beyond great.
The fact that only one other person rec'd Moon Tooth is a fucking travesty. AOTY contender. RIYL technical, melodic, catchy, emotive, progressive...