Y'all be doin' the work. Thanks for staying on it!
Mine too! Due Friday!
Integrity Blues was my first album cycle with Jimmy Eat World. I am happy to be on this train now for good. Gimme that new album!
Or ask in the AMA happening right now We are Thrice and we just released our new album called Palms - AMA! • r/PostHardcore But I suppose that...
I just played this charade with Thrice last month.
At this point, just wait it out for those 7 (now 6) days to see what they actually do. There's absolutely nothing else we can do.
I just got an email from Epitaph with the exact same wording as the tweets yesterday. Something is brewing.
Bragging again... But this is a picture of my setup and copy of Beggars that they shared for the 9th anniversary: [MEDIA]
Sorry for the potential spoiler. Haha.
The lyrics to that last song. Just feels like closure, not of the album, but of their career. I know they're young, and have a lot of potential...
I've had no desire to go back to this over the past several days. Either I've already burnt myself out on it, or I overshot significantly how much...
Feels like they’re close to being done, but better to leave on a high note, at peak popularity, than overstay.
I say it with utmost love.
This has aged pretty pretty well.
I don’t think anyone posted anything in here. Not that I saw.
This is a really incredible record. I went into it with absolutely no hype or expectation, and came out the other side with a sense of weird...
Listening to Trench tonight. Feel like I’m cheating on mewithoutYou.
Not one of us is ever truly alone.
This is very good.
Confession: I don’t like any melon.
Worst melon.
Nevermind. @contra11mundum already did this and I’m going to go cry in a corner now. Maybe embrace TOPE.
A hip hop, embracing ‘90s lingo, version called DOPE.
Savage. Vicious. Hurtful.