This is so insanely awesome.
I also want them to blow up. They are insanely good and this new song is no exception. Also, RIYL The Gaslight Anthem.
That is amazing for them! And I was wondering the same thing about Dance With Me?!
Definitely digging this song.
If this song is a sign of what the rest of the record sounds like, then I think we're in for a real treat. This song is a fuckin' banger.
What an absolutely beautiful rendition of this song. It's so great to see so much Yellowcard all over the place. And, that video is extremely cool!
I really dig this song, and that video is quite entertaining.
This is amazing, and the guitar work is incredible.
This sounds fantastic - CANNOT wait for the studio version!!
I am so psyched for this. It's sad that they've decided to part ways, but at least it's on their own terms and are going out with something that...
I think this is fantastic. BJ's vocals sound incredible.
Been waiting so long for new music from him. Song is good!
I was very cautiously optimistic about the new Gaslight, as they are a band that means so much to be. Coming back after nine years, you don't...
Absolute perfection.
I think this song is a ton of fun. All of these songs are just full of nostalgia and make me feel young again, and that's exactly what I want from...
It appears that I have wet my pants.
I am going to shit right in my pants if they can match or better their last album. It's a fucking masterpiece.
After first listen I was kinda like, "meh". After a few more listens I was like, "yeah, I could definitely use another album like this from them...
Well, I really really enjoy this song.
Now this is what I'm talkin' about! Fuck yes!
My thoughts exactly. Pretty good though, I think!
One More Time is a serious gut punch to the heart and causes my eyes to leak. More Than You Know is just pure punk rock perfection.
Well that just sent chills through my body and tears to my eyes.
Round Here is one of my favourite songs of all time. Live versions of it are even better, and every live version is completely different than the...
The clock is also changing. When I first went on the site it said 6:20:30, now it says 6:20:26. I think we are literally counting down the minutes...