Bad Religion - we’re only gonna die for our own arrogance
ohh this is a good idea! ima dig back on some covers I did that weren't up to par too haha
I made a smart playlist of songs under 2 minutes, and realized how many I knew were under. haha ok wellll expect a hodgepodge of random shit and...
I got a few things I can send still
ended up triggered after I wrote about this manic episode I had. Every time I start recording it I almost feel like I'm disassociating. It's...
Ima attempt to write a movement on this uke
Well I got a uke now so maybe i Can do this 1 minute song, ima do a couple
Songs under 2 minutes seems more reasonable tbh.
I wanna do a :69 song
FINE I’ll do another critique: Everyone did Really GOOOOOOD At emofying country
Lol maybe someone else has to post a critique, like speech class. Regardless, Been working on an original per my suggestion above anyway.
What’s going onnn
10 songs, perfect. Will run thru this later Hey not trying to get off track from this comp yet but do you think next month we can do a theme...
Submitted 2
One song done
Hahahaha I remember we were working on our sophomore floats for the homecoming parade early one morning before school and I was the Dj aka the one...
Somebody do that song about checking your partner for ticks Also someone do a 9/11 medley of all the country songs written about it
Why? It’s really cool don’t be negative Nancy
Man I wanna check out the House on the Rock more now
Just fucking go for itttt
I got angel from montgomery pretty much done but damn this chorus on Sam Stone always hits me hard
Yeeeesh country? Alright sign me up for John Prine - Angel From Montgomery and if I get to it: Dixie Chicks - Goodbye Earl John Prine - Sam Stone
sorry guys. Been stupid busy with work, My boss made me lead on a new project with a major auto parts store. Weekends I tell myself I’m gonna...