I’ll post the cover art up this weekend so you guys can maybe take in some visual inspiration. I know Kanye crosschecks his songs to make sure...
Most of the time haha I've been manic so I'm tryna redirect the energy. Has anyone emailed you anything?
2 Weeks to go; You should have some scratch tracks, if not today-within the next couple days. im just excited to hear what you guys have been...
Excited bout this cover art. Gotta couple concepts I’m kicking around hope everyone’s making progress. I plan to start tracking tomorrow
Also, if your mental has been a mess for the past 7 months, definetly muse that monster. we’re living in a nightmare, if your heart is abandoned,...
They don’t have to be exact. Change the key if you have to or i pretty much utilize a familiar fretboard shape, just change a capo up. You could...
hell yah man, I’m doing the same
How’s everyone coming along? realizing I write easier at night as Supernatural or Twilight Zone is playing. also compiling content for the...
hell yeah buddy thanks I think I wanna make the cover art if that’s cool
guess I’ll flagship this project if it’s cool. 10/25 DEADline. “Scary Stories to tell on Chorus.fm” theme? tap into your inner storytelling...
I’m curious to what everyone’s got
So Halloween comp?
the fact that we’re not doing anything means we’re fucking up. let’s get our shit together guys, COVID-19 is not the end—-call it a reset Next...
Guess we need a new magnum opus
So we doing a BLM comp orrrr
That was fun. For our next one we should do songs inspired by universes where time runs backward
#10! (MY MIND the WEAPON) hell yah; Looks like my 7 minute rock opera movement didn't make the cut haha Here's the lyrics if anyone cares. It's...
In Defense of the Genre pt. 2
haha idk i just seent the memes and wrote a lil conspiracy song
Submitted another one ln called “we live in a society”
My high-ass thought this was the last week of the month. Hahaha I scrambled all weekend and fell short on the song I wanted to finish, and...
This would be cool
I’ll message My buddy zac. He plays in strawberry girls
Ima do a review. Need to start doing these before we announce a new comp imo.
Yo can you change it to “Say Anything/Karl Kuehn” just wanna make sure Karl gets credit cause he wrote and composed most of the song ♀️