Listening to AL on a nice pair of headphones for the first time in a very long time and I must say that Taylor absolutely kills it. As a guitarist...
Dallas' melodies are beautiful on this.
We all knew deep down Zuckerberg was an emo kid.
Is Justin Beiber drumming for them on the new record?
Just want to give a shout out to Matt and Nick and their beautiful harmonies in the first pre-chorus on Oldest Daughter. Literally sounds like...
Haha all good man! Just pulling your leg :)
MCR's new song literally made you create a new word.
Same here! Kept my expectations pretty low but this is legit :)
Wow. Song actually rips hard.
Yeah not out in NZ yet!
Yup top tier for sure.
I recall around the time he left that it wasn't anything controversial and that it was mutual? He just decided he wanted to do something else...
It's actually crazy how their sound and feel completely changed with Nate on the drums. Any other drummer and that album wouldn't be what it was.
Man I forgot how catchy Comatose is.
Nah how good is the bridge on Oldest Daughter. Peak TWY!
Listening to Suburbia for the first time since I don't know when. I remember when this album dropped and it was one of those rare moments where...
It's been out on Spotify in my country for several hours now :) Eat that Yankees! :P
I'm just happy that this sounds decently produced. It's literally been almost a decade since we've had a TWY record sound like it wasn't conjured...
Wow the bridge is absolutely massive!
Sick! Are we getting a new album already? Can't believe it's already been a year...
Absolutely adore this album. Definitely understand peoples complaints about the mix being muddy asf/wall of sound overload but I think sonically...
Yes! I can't believe it's been 4 years since SC came out!
I forgot he wrote a children's book!
Not sure if Greg realises this a forum/thread to literally discuss anything blink related?