All Get Out would connect sooooo well with BN fans. At least, the ones not so into YFW.
Mysterious as in what the hell happened to that album they were supposed to release last year. And will we ever get to see them live.
Brand New didn't release an album for 8 years, but toured the whole time. TROW starting making music 8 years ago and still have never toured....
Pretty sure you're automatically subscribed if you comment in a thread. Looks like you've commented before.
Funny, anytime I hear the weird voice at the very end of No Control, right before the creepy laugh, I think of Tanner Merrit. Sounds just like him.
I hear "old bread"
Just listened. It's definitely "so," it just sounds slightly different than the first two times he's singing it.
Never cared for Quiet Things live. I've always felt like Jesse and Vin should trade off lines in the chorus. Instead, Jesse just rushes through it...
Switch to 45 posts/page and you'll have another chance in 185 pages.
I was at this show. I was too far away to tell what happened. I thought he sneezed, which is basically what I think anytime someone dabs.
True, but after reading that and listening, it sounds right.
Sapone basically confirmed on his instagram that it's "space cadet, glow." It's a Pink Floyd reference. [MEDIA]
Mae or the woo-girls? Because both. Lead singer is tone deaf and kinda talk-sings because he can't hit his notes. And he's the type of front man...
I watched All Get Out open for Mae, and there were so many mid-30s woo-girls there that Nathan had to plead for them to shut the fuck up. Didn't...
That's awesome. They used to end Part II with Swamp.
If Lit Me Up didn't have the "when I grow up, I wanna be a heretic" part, my answer might be different. I also love when the lady's voice starts...
Lit Me Up and The Silence.
Love it, but tbh I wish they would have withheld the actual chorus and just used the guitar lick after the first verse. Would have made it punch...
Best part of the album. Best=favorite.
But the ones on AZLyrics don't actually sound like what he's singing.
The same dudes who threw a fit about rankings and not discussing the album in the MO thread are in here ranking and not discussing the album.
Anyone else notice the whisper 30 seconds into Lit Me Up? Sounds like "Luucccyyy," and it's super creepy.
I got called a hipster because I had the hot take that Limousine and You Won't Know were good songs.
Wait, so best=favorite, and TDAG is "one of the best albums of all time," but isn't on your list of favorites?