"I have deduced that there are exactly 30 good Foo Fighters songs." Yeah the band has like 10 albums and more and is one of the biggest rock bands...
It's Alternative Press. Can't really expect them to make a relevant article.
Favorite songs are Cloudspotter and Making a Fire. Album is solid front to back, but I'm indifferent towards Chasing Birds. Title track is very...
Vices & Virtues is probably my 2nd least favorite of theirs, but it's nowhere near a terrible album. I'd say Pray > Bachelor > P.O. > Fever > V&V...
Shadow Machamp is the best, but Lucario and Conkeldurr beat regular Machamp.
Same, the lineup was Cloyster, Snover and Lapras for me.
I thought they would go back to that this year, but with shiny Snivy being released today, I guess they're not going back to that.
Decided to do one last Registeel raid on Pokeraid last night right before the last ones disappeared. It was shiny!
Yeah and you have to evolve the first one to get the second one so you can't even decide which one you want to evolve.
There's someone in one of my groups who's really excited every time they release new costumes. Didn't know people like that existed.
I think it was Genesect at the end of August? First time in raids, but was featured in two different Special Research before. If we're talking...
I see Chespin and Fennekin everywhere, but only got 3 Froakie.
Yeah pretty much. + better shiny odds, but after Go Fest I know a bunch of people who won't buy it for shinies.
At least now all the Kanto shinies will be available.
I've been on the Froakie task for 3-4 days and one finally spawned at my home.
It's the rarest of the batch and it takes 400 candies to evolve... Fuck that.
I can't believe we're starting Gen 6 and we still don't have Kecleon.
The spawns are better since the release of gen 6. The couple days before that, I had like 75% Wooper and it sucked.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] So I listened to A Beautiful Place to Drown a lot, uh?
Got my 12 Pro yesterday. I'm loving it!
I might be wrong, but Sylveon isn't in the first wave of Gen 6 that was announced
Got 5 shinies in the first 5 minutes of the event so I didn't play much today.
Yeah this one is more exciting because there's a lot more changes to the songs. I feel like they didn't want to change the songs on the first one...
GO Beyond: The Pokémon GO journey continues beyond - Pokémon GO Level 50, new Seasons system, gen 6