Why would they do that?
Did they say a smartphone is required or is it more of a supplemental thing like the playstation app? If it's required that's crazy. Agreed on how...
Not gonna lie a big selling point for me was when the guy said you could play when sprawled out on a couch
If that's true, that sucks but makes sense.
That's lame what a weird thing to not mention 2 months before launch
Did they say anything about storage space?
This trailer is anime as hell and I dig it
This is so great
Oh thank god I don't have to buy colored controllers separately
Oh hey Rime
This translator just woke up
I get that people liked Skyrim but that game came out in 2011
Atlus hell yes
Grand Theft Mario?
I really appreciate the goofiness of this conference
If they aren't packed in they shouldn't be more than $20.
This looks like it would be fun if you didn't have to actually throw punches.
This is amazing Twitch is home to two Google Home devices debating the existence of God They were just talking about what they think about...
I played through it last year during the holidays on my brother's xbox. I had a great time with it and it gets way better once you unlock the air...
I'm pretty sure it doesn't because some of the matches I've played have been hella laggy.
Portland's scene is pretty cool and it's neat seeing bands like Sioux Falls and Blowout getting some national attention. Also recently there has...
Yeah I loved Human Revolution but I couldn't even finish the new one. It was just so stale and boring.
It got delayed until early 2017. They're adding single player. I really hope the game actually ends up being fun because on paper it seems awesome.