I don't disagree I just thought it was kinda funny. It obviously wasn't intended as such but when you get the silenced smg, it felt like ND was...
Minecraft 2
Microsoft has to know that they need to kill it with this showcase after what happened last time so at least we can expect it to have some...
The last section confronting Abby felt necessary from a story perspective but it did feel kinda weird that we go through this whole journey of...
The problem with adapting Zelda is that Link has no personality. He's a blank slate for the player to project their own personality onto.
I say this as one of the suckers that buys them every year
2k of all games I feel like would be cheaper to make considering how little the games change year to year. 2k20 uses a lot of recycled assets from...
VR is definitely something I would like to try/experience. Alyx looks so cool
If money wasn't an issue, I'd probably get a nice pc but at the same time I appreciate the simplicity of a console experience. I like not having...
Depending on the prices I could see myself getting a lockhart first. Otherwise gimme that digital only PS5
Is that pre-Mansions stuff available anywhere? Been going through the discography and would love to hear earlier stuff.
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] This is pretty cool. Gamepass rules
Dark Void
The Last of Us Uncharted 4 The Last of Us Part 2 Jak and Daxter Uncharted 2 Jak 2 Uncharted 3 Jak 3 Uncharted I played the Crash games but...
Uncharted 2 doesn’t totally hold up today but at the time the jump in quality from the first game was crazy. I remember watching the review on...
I guess my only counterpoint would be [spoiler]
Yeah and these are allegedly fans of the first game who would know that's how these games work
I loved [spoiler]
Having looked at the leaks after the fact, the summary of the plot isn’t even entirely correct. There’s even a major point that is VERY wrong. It...
I have issues with the gameplay overall but the human encounters are amazing. Sneaking through a whole section was very satisfying but I actually...
I think most of the controversy comes from people being mad about the Joel thing at the beginning. And also alt right weirdos being mad about...
Been a while since I was on this site but I finished this and everywhere else it’s being discussed seems pretty toxic. Seems like people wanted to...