Also update on Charles, I think I'm gonna keep hik, that being said, knile Davis is very much available will take a dude or a pick
What are you looking for? Did you have anything in mind?
Probably about a tier or two above that, sorry brother
I'm actually looking for another really solid tight end if anyone's interested in moving one
Is telvin smith available?
Yea the kicking is suuuuuper whacky, good game though, sorry I was running out the clock lol my girlfriend was yelling at me the whole time to go...
There will hopefully be a hot fix
9 Are you on right now?
Is there any interest from anyone in hali?
I'm also interested in ertz and would do a second +
Lane big dick johnson
I'll check that out when I get home in an hour or two
If the goal is to be a sim league and be realistic then I would say we should be able to head hunt people's practice squads since in real life...
I need WR, a second TE and Oline
Who wants chiefs
It's looking like my kj trade probably won't end up happening so I don't think I can deal Charles anymore sorry man :(
Lmao you can't change the player edit thing!? I think you can pt anyone at qb and shit with that too lol
Always coming back though bc 4t4l ;)
Maybe we need some airing of grievances and pipe bombs and talk it all out, I know I just got back into it, but we were always able to do that before
We don't have to argue, we can all be cool to each other and just hang out and play games!
8 Don't leave, we can all be friends and work it out brother
Yea as far as the kj thing goes idc if he switches either I know I just joined but if everyone's saying what they think about it guess I'd just...
Alright let's wait and see what happens with the kj thing cause if I do end up doing this I'll want to make sure I get the Henry and a first for...