I’m happy she didn’t, it will eventually. I’m dropping much needed weight so that is a huge plus.
Yeah sadly, it’s nearly rotten tasting.
I’m vaccinated, and boosted, still got Delta. I’m a lot better now… but it sucks. Still can’t taste or smell
Please not again!
I have a feeling Stick to Your Guns is on it
His shows are actually selling well. Few years ago this forum was jacked for DRUGS coming back and now it seems like that’s died hard.
I’ll be at the Ft Way e show for sure
They have in the past
I’ve always wanted to see them… may be my chance
Who/what was it?
One date so far… does seem like a soon-TBA tour.
Where was it?
Do it!
Yes, they’re amazing.
Holy shit.
They’ll have another album before then for a new score.
I sort of think there may be some bad blood though because of the Justins… yes there are two of them who work with MiW now
Sort of hope a BvB, MiW and INK tour comes from this… of course minus BvB
I don’t think it’s bad, but it’s not Tom. Blink is pure nostalgia for a lot of us
My excitement either way is untouchable. Sadly they lost two members, but hopefully this band continues to be stellar.
I’d love to finally see them
Wanted to name a band -Super Special Secret Set-
About fucking time…
I think it was selling pretty well. The big issue was I don’t think they have a lineup that is going to be able to handle the job.