I will send in am
I can send fuller straight up.
I dropped my other fa and picked up a kicker
Shit i need a kicker can i get a extra FA
I like 48 better just because i have set time if something comes up.. it sucks when time zones fuck shit up at 36
When is season gonna start
What do you want for him.. i will take him
Is it two every advance
Can we edit positions
I needed a DT bad
Wel that sucked
I hope i make it back by draft
So 5 lol wow
In all seriousness which teams are actually active
:( James is not FTL anymore.
I still here. Not sure if i can keep up if we move to fast but will do my best..even thought i wasnt asked lol
what day are we thinking of drafting?
I know its just a video game but fuck how does that shit happen.. and then it gave you the ball on the 20 yard line
Gg man.. that was such bullshit.. i am still pissed over that TD they took away. Fuck madden
If I lose this game because of that that sucks
That was a glitch like fuck
Getting on now
I can play in like 30 min