Just curious, was Loufest set up when they cancelled? I really haven't looked into it besides read their press release
I think someone asked yesterday if anyone lived near the park and could check if fencing has gone up yet. Found this on Reddit: Good News Friends...
Someone on Twitter just said to me "OMFG. I think it's adorable that you think there will be a 2nd wave." Fuck Twitter, I'll stick to posting here
Oh well
In that case......3 minutes!!
OH! hahahaha I thought you found out bad news. Phew!
Tell your followers who keep name dropping you on Reddit!
*drum roll*
I commented on the video saying "holy shit! How'd they get Sugar Ray?" she responded with "how'd you know them?" I guess no one at this party knew...
Speaking of.... A woman I used to work with moved out to LA and got a job where there are a ton of "fun perks." One of the perks was the company...
My buddy messaged a band on Facebook and asked when they were playing and followed up by saying why he asked because of this huge delay. This is...
Oh man.......
Good work!
I'm on a Windows 98. Try that and it might work
Same here. Works for me
I messaged Conflict’s Facebook page asking when/if they’re playing. They didn’t respond. I thought as an anarchist band they’d respond to “break...
Thanks....more coffee for me
Maybe I’m half asleep and not seeing them but looks like he took down those tweets on Riot Fest from yesterday
Agreed, I just found it funny that it ever came up even though there’d be some many problems from size to neighborhood complaints
I never hated Douglas either. Sure it’s out of the way but I hated the set up at Humboldt as well as having to walk half a mile from the entrance...
Those would suck. I remember hearing rumors that Oz Park in Lincoln Park would have Riot Fest before they went to Douglas. No way would that...
What was the stage issue?
Holy shit!