Wirh Punk gone, how u guys think FTR will position themselves?
"I'm still the real world champion"
CM Punk apologizing :-D suuure
Bryan Danielson to Collision!
The confidence to let punk go kinda makes me think they signed Edge
Bowens ins REALLY good imo
I'd love if punk was the one person to totally believe kayfabe and he attacked Perry cuz he was mean to Hook
As there have been several incidents in here the last few days, let me remind everyone, from the perspective of a non-native speaker: apostrophes...
It's so weird because i still think Punk is good for the product and AEW's brand. I still enjoy seeing him and still think it's cool he's back....
Still..fuck ric flair
RIP Bray. RIP Brodie.
I just randomly had this vague memory in my head: a couple months ago there were reports of fans calling the police on some wrestling angle. Think...
Can i be a cliché european for a second and say how creepy it is that so many americans own a gun. K. Thx.
I wonder if Tony sometimes regretts starting a wrestling company
To be fair, Adam Copeland would be a hell of a wrestling name
Kinda funny that AEW now has more people from the attitude era/monday night wars-era/early ruthless aggression era on its roster than WWE, where...
U guys acting like Punk is as problematic as VKM lol
Ofc MJF is the one who will turn. Last wek Cole didnt read the contract before signing it.
Having 30 paid vacation days a year is my fav thing about living in europe :-)
The Fiend vs Seth Rollins, Hell in a cell. Doesnt get much better
Wardlow could be one of aew's biggest homegrown stars.
Rollins has young bucks level of going away heat for me