Interesting. It does not yet appear on FOB's page or in search. Thanks for the link!
Still not on Apple Music. Whaddup with that?
The slight bass reduction is the biggest improvement, imo. Lowering the tinny sounds is usually helpful too. Miles may vary. The base sound isn't...
Mine is very similar. My 1k and 2.5k are set ~1 step lower, each. I love these headphones.
Before they announced, I had plans to travel to a few shows with friends in different cities. None of our cities are on the route. Big sad.
It’s a fair question. Its not like he tours as Vacationer all that much. TSL has been on the road more often in the last 4 years. It’s fair to...
You might also be interested in AirScrobble, which is basically Shazam for scrobbling. AirScrobble
There are a few browser extension scrobblers that work for Bandcamp if you're listening there on desktop. For mobile "local media," I use Plexamp...
I assume any bizarre release strategy has everything to do with getting placements on the big streamer playlists. If he releases a few singles,...
He’s this underrated singer / producer I’ve been following for like 6 years. He made waves because his voice sounds *exactly* like Frank Ocean...
It’s out!
The closer is a Kenny Vasoli classic on keys. Lovely. edit: it also sounds the most like something Jay would do. I don’t have good enough...
Immediately grabbed the /50 variant with art print and a cassette. Trying to figure out where Jay Wile’s voice is featured on this record. It...
The credits list Jay Wile as a vocalist. I haven’t heard his voice yet, but that’s such a cool get. Jay is completely slept on.
[MEDIA] This wasn’t showing up in the last post for me. Full album available for a buck on Bandcamp.
I'll actually be lining up this year, thanks to this.
Casting went very young and very quirky this season and I’m honestly not digging it. Cringe doesn’t allure me at all. Lulu has got to be the...
Wow, I’m surprised how hard it is to listen to even a cover of one of Noah’s songs. Thought this could be a cheeky loophole since I cut him out of...
Good read.
Album bio from Evan Lucy: There’s a moment on “Underrated,” the angular, fuzzed-out cleanup hitter on MANSIONS’ sixth full-length,TUFF LUFF (Bad...
It definitely leaves you wanting more, in a good way. The back half of this record really resonates with me.
I’m curious, do these copies have a list of supporters names in the back? The hardcovers that came with album preorders did. I’ve wondered if they...
[MEDIA] Caught Charlie opening for The Milk Carton Kids last night. Reminds me a lot of The Rocket Summer with some of his older material,...