This album took me by surprise. My favorite is Hawthorne but so many good songs on this. Probably the best thing Mat has been involved with since...
Fire Escape Walking in My Sleep Love & Great Buildings is really fantastic but Fire Escape is just too good.
Fire Escape Love & Great Buildings Dead Man's Dollar Walking In My Sleep
Fire Escape Love And Great Buildings Don't Speak Birthday Song
Maps Canyon Dream High Dive
Maps Halls Canyon Moon Driving Through A Dream Rainy Girl
My Racing Thoughts
Running My Racing Thoughts
People, Running Amy, I Keep Rising Restless Dream Overall weakest Andrew album for me but I love all the ITW albums so I'm excited for what's next.
What are the other 2 albums? Curious to check those out.
New Pup! Also - new single from Heart Attack Man called Out for Blood.
City threw me for such a loop. Love it, gave me Portugal the Man vibes. Other stand outs on first listen are Bare Hands & Sibling Rivalry.
Great final - Gotta go with Crashin
Spinning Crashin
IMO Caves is the best song on this album. Hammers Spinning Crashin Caves
Also here. Artwork is cool too.
Hell or High Water is seriously so good. It's been 10 years since that album so I guess it's unfair to expect them to pick right up where they...
Hammers And Strings Cell Phone Miss California Spinning Crashin What Gets You Off Caves Drop Out- The So Unknown
The Resolution
Absolutely love this album.
The Mixed Tape Dark Blue
The Mixed Tape MFEO Pt 1/2 Dark Blue Into the Airwaves
The Mixed Tape The Lights and Buzz MFEO Pt 1/2 I'm Ready Dark Blue Bruised Holiday From Real Into the Airwaves