I may have said a few pages back, but I still haven't met a fellow Newcastle fan that wants him. Spend the exorbitant fee on a sure thing, not an...
Good. Considering there's the whatsapp evidence showing the players were all in on it and knew it was illegal.
Only just stumbled onto them after my youtube algorithm started throwing reaction videos at me. Pretty impressed by the composition and rhythm...
He's always struck me as someone who wants the challenge of the biggest platform, and no judgement to him for that. Though I also don't think...
Isn't he out injured right now anyway? Think he got hurt at a recent house show.
I don't think I know a single fellow Newcastle fan that's into the idea of buying Gordon. For whatever it'd cost to pry him from Everton, I'd...
To be fair, Danjuma going to Everton in their situation, without even knowing who the manager would be, had me thinking less of him as a player....
I understand all that in theory, but exclusivity is the driver of all things sports revenue. Remove exclusive broadcast rights and the whole...
What did they do that got them on the outs with the E?
I've genuinely never imagined how they were going to book it at this point, considering he hasn't been on WWE TV for how long? I guess Roman could...
I mean, people have been fantasy booking the idea of Mercedes joining them as AEW outsider heels for a few weeks now. So it definitely didn't...
Curious why you feel they're being poorly run? I've thought some of the hiring and recruitment has been decent, even if they haven't achieved the...
At what point do players question what possible role they'll have at the club? With so many redundant parts, they're going to have no leverage...
So I see he checked the "Select All" box.
Forget the short-arm, I want her to wind up for 900 haterade!
Specifically tetanus and the hep? (Only just realized I've never typed/spelled tetanus before)
Newcastle fans were talking similarly about Bruno just the other day and how he magically avoided a yellow in the cup QF. Tactical fouls are a...
I don't want or need them to even do it, just linger long enough as a rumour to make for some good drama!
The stat should reflect the relative difference between all players hitting there and on the road - so it shouldn't be impacted by roster...
I'm all for VAR used for offside confirmation, but the systems and rules in place really need to reckon with the relationship between accuracy and...
Can't help but wonder if Arsenal players would be forgiven if Arteta himself wasn't so over the top on the touch line. He and Klopp really are the...
To be fair, Comerica has had a consistently low park factor forever, with 2020-2022 ranking 24th with a factor of 97 - and that's buoyed by league...
Maybe I shouldn't be surprised that Luba kept Bauer as a client through the past couple years? I know he was her first, is he the only one? Her...
Considering how long many of the recent extensions run, can you be so sure it's old news?
Howe has played such a consistent XI when fitness allows, there were a lot of really rusty players on together against Sheffield.