If they’re going for Paper Walls: Redux as their next cycles’ sound, I’m going to be insufferable about this
BuT wHeRe Is He?!
Up on Netflix today apparently
I’d like that too but I think when they were having the conversation of “what the 1975 is” it produced a concept greater than just what BFIAFL is...
I’m kinda hoping that for the next album, to keep with the duo parings, it will be a focused album around their electronic influences.
Yup, more tiers for me even if I’d say ILIWYS is #1 gun to head ILIWYS / ABIIOR NOCF/BFIAFL S/T
that depends on what version of the 1975 is your favorite imo
Yeah this movie rocked
Damn these are massive venues
So millennials basically saw that without corporate and political interests the Internet can be pretty neat and weird
I’m just happy that Prop 1 passed
Really think that’ll matter with Rs capturing all 3 branches of govt?
My wife and I had tickets but had to miss this day of - was devastated. Hoping there’s a revival of some sort in the future
The episode 5 is one of the best SW D+ episodes and executed on the promise of the show imo - everything else varied from ok but entertaining to bad
But whyyyyyyy
was supposed to be Bad Bunny's El Muerto I think
The Sinister Cinco!
that would completely deflate the demand if it's that frequent. movie-goers can be stupid, and that may be too confusing lol
Yeah that's insane to me - no way. @DeRRek can you send the linear notes? Want to see who worked on it
I placed my order months ago - hope I get mine soon