didn’t realize everything had to be exclusive vs both/and
I am saying both demonize others who view their respective position with degrees of prudence, and that doing so, without giving concrete political...
I am saying that the rationalization of it, as a genocide (which it is) is being met with the fervor that the pro life movement makes. I am...
Indoor places, such as museums, stores, churches, yeah. outdoors? Not so much. Whole family has not gotten COVID yet (that we know of)
I feel like I have had this same discussion with pro lifers. Literally word for word. So all y'all whose #1 priority is Gaza are voting for the...
Spoken like an effing convert. Broski not a real Catholic.
lol my wife is 45.
And $150 MM really is not that much; I work for an online edtech company. We provided live virtual tutoring services to public schools. In one...
Should've sold it to the SSPX. Oh wait, Rome hates its own tradition. Cowards.
If you're a meat-eater, thermometer is your friend. Sear protein, put in oven to finish. Paired with roasted veg (our fave is frozen brussels...
Did you just reinvent "original sin" for 1 year olds because they happen to have a USA address? This is a similar take the extremist "Pro Lifers"...
So much rambling old man vibes. Almost feel as bad for him as for Uncle Joe.
Always loved teaching Gatz.
lol Japan back under their 35-year-ago all time high: [MEDIA]
Almost exclusively do curbside. Go about once every two weeks inside Kroger's at 6 AM, and once every other month to TJ's 90 mins away. We...
Yep. I'm a traditionalist Catholic and my FIL who is a Colbert-loving retiree, quickly wanted my reaction to this. I just rolled my eyes, and said...
Here in rural MO, my Zoomer students were 15 years behind the times. Hell, they think Hinder is new.
Well now. That was an ending.
That boot aside may be my favorite moment thus far. He's good.
Aaaah Volume Jump!!!
I was 10 mins behind starting, so I went to skim the pool, and played back on 1.75x. Thought he sounded fine. Then I caught up with the live...
horse bets?