Old toxic Ap member at its finest. Lets see, I haven't had more than 3 beers in a given night in 5+ years. I don't drink hard liquor unless at a...
Quarter to 11 right now and I'm sitting at home. I woke up and went to work. When I got to the office people slowly started coming together to...
So what made you make a concerted effort to not be an A-hole to people and their views? What did Chorus bring out in you? Or did you just see a...
I mean, it's tough. Very tough. Jesse has heart, but Blink made music. All of This was music to my ears. The ending of feeling this is ruin pants...
Damn, their untitled album was so inspired. They sounded like legit, polished, well established musicians firing on all cylinders. The album was...
I can't get enough of Canadian KFC. Third straight day. Delicious
@inspectorkemp Certain threads back in AP, mostly under Politics and Entertainment, were run by a few members that dominated the discussion and...
Last week on the GoTs thread I said something like "There was way too much dialogue this episode" and two old school APers said "why isn't this...
I don't know why but it's definitely a kinder environment than AP. I know it's pretty much the same members here, but the tag-teaming, bullying,...
ahhaha there's no way I can do that.
Even if a date goes poorly the Canadian in my always says "I had a good time." What else do you suppose to say when you're saying goodbye??
I tinder swiped in Portland and surrounding areas and I quickly matched. It was the first time that every single person messaged me first. And it...
I've never technically cheated. I did know they were emotionally involved with me but the feeling wasn't mutual. I told them that they could date...
Canadian KFC is heaven. We Canadians have a different menu, different recipe, and we even deliver. Chicken is smaller, but got-damn is it good....
Napster was synonymous with free file sharing. Anything paid with the Napster name will continue to fail. Rhapsody needs a new creative department.
@Old Fuck that's unfortunate. I don't think anyone can really tell you what to do from here, it's all just going to be opinion based. For...
Damn man, ive never even met you but this broke my heart. I'm gutted this happened to you. I can't really say anything other than that because...
The strongest military in the world couldn't conquer the Vietnamese. I agree weapons are necessary to keep the government in check--whether or not...
How come??
that's fine, Larry David looks the exact same. If this were a Seinfeld new season I'd shake my head in disappointment.
i've never seen any warriors get on each other besides trying to pump each other up. But maybe i'm wrong, maybe it's cool to be a dick to people
when love missed a game the press and analyst were saying it was a good thing and began trashing his defense. game 5 the man came in timid,...
@DontTellMom Bran Stark. Spoiler tag/ Bran arrives tells everyone what he saw, they behead both Lannisters and then daenerys flies in to claim...
Right now my sweet tooth is relatively gone. In the words of Kate Moss "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." I'd be an equally bad role model....