I'm still having trouble getting past the Dancer of the Boreal Valley. Tips?
Get with the times, you pleeb! I've been playing Dark Souls 3 and posting about it on this thread, lame-o! Do you even Dark Souls bro!? (Plus you...
I've been re-playing Shadow of Mordor these past few days. I forgot how killing orcs can be so much fun. EDIT: Uruks, not orcs. Please don't...
Meh on Assassins Creed. Far Cry 3 MAYBE. Never really played a Hitman game. Any good? Meh on Borderlands. Already played Skyrim but what about...
There's a sale on XBOX store for like 80% off all XBOX 360 games and I'm thinkin about stocking up. I'm looking at Mass Effect and Dead Space so...
Just got done with Little Nightmares. Good albeit short. Really want to play Prey next.
"When you're on a boat full of men all day let's just say you don't get any women." "Computers. Computers. Computers. Computers. Computers....
I think I screwed up the Catarina dudes quest cause I can't find him anywhere.
Half-Life. That's not my opinion. It's a fact of life.
Aside from the repeatitive gameplay, I'm lovin' Dark Souls III so far.
How the fuck do you beat this Judex guy? Every time I have him on the ropes he turns into a goddamn dinosaur!
Dark Souls III wins the red rose.
Don't worry. I'll buy tons of Viagra and drink plenty of water beforehand.
Has anyone played The Witness? I heard it's by the same folks who made Braid. Can anyone vouch for it?
I've considered Batman: Arkham Knight. I'm actually not a big Telltale fan. I find it's more fun to watch someone else play those kinds of games...
Here are all the games I've beaten so far on my Xbox One: Ori and the Blind Forest Gears of War Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor Assassins Creed 4:...
If you love Bloodborne so much why don't you marry it? [IMG]
It says it's gonna be released on 3/31 on the Xbox store brah.
Definitely gonna pre-order South Park: Fractured but Whole. What about Dark Souls III?
I really wished I hadn't watched a Let's Play of this cause it would have been a more personal journey.
Any game that has an interesting story. That's what I always look for in a game. The last game I played that I actually really loved was Inside....