Guess I need to watch Neon Demon finally, can’t be worse than Only God Forgives
I can handle a lot of gore and shit, but [spoiler] will always get me.
HOLY FUCK! Masterpiece. This year’s Pearl for me. Obviously I cannot relate to the parts about being a woman and Hollywood’s/society’s beauty...
My god I cannot wait for tonight, it’s killing me.
Going to go with Tales from the Crypt (1972). Streaming on Tubi.
This would suck, but if he doesn’t I hope they get Mukdeeprom.
I was going to finish the back of my leg yesterday but we need to re-think the design and idea so we started this one on my other leg instead....
Thank god I was still able to get a floor ticket for DC, love it’s the day after my bday too.
Ticketmaster blows
The ending seemed to set it up?
So this was pretty bad, sufffered from a lot of sequelitis and tone was all over the place, but had some cool shit and was also really funny at...
Show is next Sunday and think I’m gonna make a weekend in Baltimore of it.
Something has been off with my boy the last few days and I’m stressing, especially since he had some serious health issues a few years ago.
This is the stock answer the Jehovah’s Witnesses will give you too. EDIT: Not sure why it’s not properly quoting, but the Moss quote a few posts...
Wish they showed him in the trailer instead of revealing the Walmart costume version
Anyway, the best thing I’ve done lately is starting to read books again. I highly recommend everyone check out Unmasking Autism by Devon Price,...
I love getting fucked up and I’m not sure I’ll ever fully understand why or be able to rise above it. But it’s probably my favorite thing ever?
I’m obsessed with Tales from the Crypt (ordered two shirts today lol), it’s getting so much better in Season 2 — totally not what I expected —...