straight up couldn’t believe when I pulled the map up that I could just fast travel to any of them. Not that I’m complaining but it does feel a...
I thought you could only fast travel from point of grace to point of grace LOL. Gonna have a much nicer time now
I took down the Erdtree watchdog and the guy in the wolf cave pretty easily right off the bat but then started the following the main quest,...
holy shit I am bad at this game so far lol. And I've beaten Demon Souls and platinumed Dark Souls with relative ease. Really struggling with a 2...
This is so damn good haha. Haven’t laughed that hard for that long in a long time. “Ehren, are you realllllly allergic to bees?”
Horizon, Witch Queen, and Elden Ring in one week is too much but I'm up for the challenge. Might hold off on Elden Ring until I'm raid ready
Double nightfall rewards are the best. Just got 3 exotics, 4 ascendant shards and 9 prisms from a GM run lol
I actually thought this was pretty good. Casting was amazing besides Silvio (no idea what they were thinking there lol)
I think this is my favorite Thrice record
Thrice Urges You To Be Present While They Continue To Expand Their Musical Horizons On 'Horizons/East' - Substream Magazine Cool interview with...
I liked this a lot on first listen but man is this a grower. I'm becoming obsessed. It really feels like such a complete work, whereas TBE and...
Where do people find leaks now that Kingdom is down?
As someone who's lost a family member down the Qanon rabbit hole, this new song hits really hard, especially the end. "you don't have to stay...
This is one of the best albums I have heard in a good while. Can't stop replaying it once it ends
Damn this album is good
When I click the album on Spotify it pops up but with no songs. Gonna throw something
Cool video, I just can't believe they had to cut that last chorus, might be the best part of the song haha
Really diggin the new flatbread tacos. A lot more filling than their regular tacos
Sleep Well Beast is my favorite. Something about the vibes just really do it for me and the length of it feels perfect. I love this band but most...
I've been reading this awesome shot by shot analysis of the return on the Reddit and it's made me start up a full series rewatch. Does anyone have...
Desperate Pleasures is one of the best songs I've heard in a while holy mackerel
David Lynch making new series 'Wisteria' for Netflix
One thing I've always appreciated about these guys is the way they're able to match the lyrics to the feel of the song (or vice versa), and Just...
I saw this, pretty damn cool [SPOILER]
It's amazing that they only have two series going on in Edmonton and couldn't figure out that they shouldn't schedule both game 7's on the same...