it's been a long while since i last posted here, so a few months ago, my parents and i did the touristy thing and drove down to key west for a...
octopus in ceviche is GREAT. also, steamed with jalapeno soy sauce or any kind of hot chili sauce.
hi, i'm obsessed with poké.
long time no post y'all. i think since i last posted, i've been seeing a counselor about my mental health and since then, i've tapered off my...
i'm digging through multiple hard drives for extra music to put on my phone to play on my commute, and does anyone remember bedlight for blue...
I didn't grow up watching 90210 (parents wouldn't allow me), but I remember seeing his picture everywhere and how beautiful he was. RIP
i've been wracking my brain for the last half hour trying to remember this one music site from like 2003-2005ish that specialized in indie music...
It's such a hard poll! I had to go with Everything in Transit because it's literally the only album of his that I listened to every day for an...
Long time no see, mental health thread. I've since gotten a job in my field, and I've been seeing a therapist to talk out my emotional states...
I went to their store site yesterday and it literally said sold out. the only thing left is going to uo's site and getting the christmas vinyl.
I was gonna drop money, but everything got sold out. jeez.
I'm heading to New Orleans next month for an ophthalmology conference. I'm joining two of my classmates and our two professors and it's going to...
I haven't heard any new recent releases, but so far, this is my AOTY.
It's not that I hate it or I'm not enjoying it, it's that I feel nothing from it. I have the spring semester left; I'm finishing it no matter what. I'
I'm also deeply convinced that half my classmates don't like me because I usually have nothing to say or that I'm unpleasant to be around.
I hate feeling that I'm a total mental mess. I went to class today and every time my professor says anything, I feel a billion times dumber...
shrinking violet agoraphobia strikes me again: i just passed on a school trip to a conference in new orleans.
they could have at least tried for idk, pitbull? or some country act? because ugh justin again....
My part of West Palm Beach had no power but no flooding, thank god.
I'm extremely lucky that my section of Lake Worth is not in the evacuation or flood zones and that my brother managed to come home with his...'s the last day to finish preparing for Irma and Jose. We've prepped as best we could, just filling up buckets of water, some last...
It's Girl Group Week at Billboard. Girl Group Fantasy League 100 Greatest Girl Group Songs of All Time
time for my annual bronchitis attack and coughing up a lung. :worried:
the first reply to that first tweet... "5H is better" LOL NO.