Do you also think that [spoiler]?
I’m excited for this though [MEDIA]
…I didn’t know that. I wish it took place after Picard. The finale left so much opportunity for more projects.
I read spoiler summaries, but not the scans. I need at least some surprise lol.
Wow, that’s awesome. I haven’t had to time to game the past few days, but I love what I’ve played so far!
Holy shit. This is coming right after the allegations the other day. [MEDIA]
I’m really torn on getting Metaphor. I enjoyed what I played ofPersona 5. But I don’t have a lot of time for gaming anymore and super long games...
I’ll make a thread later. Just got outta the shower haha Edit: or someone can edit this one [MEDIA]
I care more about the edging joke.
How would the series even work as a game? A visual novel would make sense.
I got some packs of the new set! A holo triple rare! And this is a lot of legendaries and they’re just regular rates. Interesting. [ATTACH]
I’m the total opposite. I pretty much just read sci-fi/fantasy novels. Check out Hoopla if you haven’t. It’s like Libby, but you don’t have to...
Thanks, man. I’m screenshotting this lol
Finally decided to read all of the cosmere. I LOVE super long series with lots to dig into. Heck, my two favorite series are Star Trek and One...
This makes sense. Egghead ended in the manga just a couple chapters ago.
It always seems like there’s a big part of the fandom that gatekeeps against dubs. idk, I prefer dubs, except DBZ. I grew up with it on Toonami...
Player’s Log: I’m really digging the Silent Hill 2 remake so far. just left the apartments. It’s waaaaay different than the other survival...
Can anyone give me some pointers? In Honkai, I can get my characters to level 80 now. But I can’t do missions cause now all the enemies are way...
I didn’t see a thread for this. Loving the game so far.