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Andrew McMahon Band • Page 7

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. airik625

    we've seen the shadow of the axe before Supporter

    Yeah I'm cool with the cover too.
  2. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Eh, it's like $37 for HOB venue? May have to pass.
  3. loudasallgetout

    Trusted Supporter

    Subbing. Song is interesting.
  4. Mr. Serotonin

    I'm still staring down the sun Prestigious

    Yeah, new song is super interesting. I think I like it.
  5. bazzgod


    I am so, so bummed by everything he has done since Jacks Mannequin. This new brooklyn song is...terrible.
  6. airik625

    we've seen the shadow of the axe before Supporter

    It's certainly not up to par with we've come to expect from him.
  7. Eric Wilson

    Trusted Prestigious

  8. Mr. Serotonin

    I'm still staring down the sun Prestigious

    That "sleep" hook is kind of grating to me. Not a bad song though.
  9. sammyboy516

    Trusted Prestigious

    These new songs are just such standard alternative radio stuff to me. Kinda lame.
    Kyle Max likes this.
  10. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I couldn't get past the first minute on that last song. Bummer city.
  11. Mr. Serotonin

    I'm still staring down the sun Prestigious

    New song tomorrow.
  12. quietwords

    RIP EmoPunkKid28: 2002-2016 Prestigious

    Going to hold off on listening. Three pre-release songs is enough to hold me over.
  13. Eric Wilson

    Trusted Prestigious

  14. This last weekend, I watched Dear Jack for the first time. God damn.
  15. unbornwhiskey


    lmao @ "so close"'s chorus. i like it though
  16. Mr. Serotonin

    I'm still staring down the sun Prestigious

    What was funny about it? Did I miss something, haha?
    KidLightning likes this.
  17. sammyboy516

    Trusted Prestigious

    These songs are really generic and disappointing. I hate to say this but it's just such standard pop/alternative and not at all up to par for him.
    LTF and earthlight like this.
  18. manoverboard365


    Yeah I agree all four of these songs have been really bland and generic. Not excited for this record at all.
  19. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I think I hate Andrew's music now. None of this new stuff has made me give any interest. Not feeling it at all.
    LTF and earthlight like this.
  20. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    This new song does nothing for me. This guy has been one of my favorite artists for a while. The last album was good and this song just takes it to a whole other tier of crappy, radio directed pop crap.
  21. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    Agree. Generic is a good word.
  22. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    Unfortunately I am in the camp that is completely bored and unimpressed with these new songs.

    Will always love Andrew though.
  23. [removed]

    Trusted Prestigious

    He's going all in on the Alt Nation shit huh?
  24. sammyboy516

    Trusted Prestigious

    Big time. And, in my opinion, not even that well.
  25. felipecardel

    formless in the night Prestigious

    i like "So Close" more than the others and can see it finally pushing him to top 40 radio glory. that's what i said about "Cecilia" though