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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread Tour • Page 401

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    I've been to the Webster before. Definitely NOT a neighborhood you want to camp and hang out in.
  2. Blainer93

    Prestigious Supporter

    Image-1.jpeg Wow, I’m stoked
    kamzarro, riotspray and digitalbath like this.
  3. 333 GANG


  4. 333 GANG


    alkalinexandy likes this.
  5. Mtlman1331


    It dies today have now dropped capulet fest bringing the total to 23 bands dropped
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  6. Blink182Bouncer


  7. RogrStahlback

    Trusted Supporter

    Not sure if anyone knew or remember them here but the singer from Enmy was the singer for Cinema Sleep.
  8. thatwasamoment

    Since '06

    Appreciate the updates broham
  9. Mtlman1331


    I just can’t keep this information to myself. It’s like watching a demolition derby
    twisterman2006 and digitalbath like this.
  10. thatwasamoment

    Since '06

    Following them on instagram for the sweet sweet updates. Probably will unfollow by Saturday night if things get too sad
  11. Tifoil


  12. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

  13. Mtlman1331


    Upon A Burning Body has dropped off capulet fest as well, in addition there are rumblings that the Webster wants Sunday canceled because they sold more than 250 tickets which is what the upstairs holds, so more to look out for today. That brings the total officially of 24 out of 55 bands dropped and obviously if Sunday gets canceled that’s a hell of a lot more.
  14. Tifoil


    Even bands that were supportive and wanted to play were dropped.

  15. Mtlman1331


    they basically asked every band to play at a greatly reduced rate or for free, if people “in the know” in the furnace fest community are to be believed
  16. Mtlman1331


    Rookie of the year dropped today as well. I know the “as long as capulet fest happens” they don’t have to give refunds but god damn this thing isn’t even remotely what they promised. This dude gets to walk away with the vendor money, ticket money, locals pay to play money, vip packages, camping etc
    alkalinexandy likes this.
  17. Mtlman1331


    So in a move we all saw coming, once Skillet hit the stage, they started canceling the entire day tomorrow and telling the bands. So final countdown to everyone of the 55 bands scheduled to play. 23 bands played
  18. RogrStahlback

    Trusted Supporter

    The statement they just released is wild. Making themselves the victim and not even apologizing. Looks like a text you send to breakup with your partner.

    Edit: here it is

    "Sunday is no longer an option. We fought. We wrestled with obstacle after obstacle. We became a target. We became hated, even when we were doing our best to save something and give you the best show possible. No one sees the sacrifice. All they do is judge. We did everything we could. We hope you had fun. We did our best. Thank you to everyone who came out and had a blast. We hope you enjoyed the meet and greets. We hope you enjoyed the music. Goodbye. "

    Edit 2:
  19. fbrrocks


    Just saw this on fb
  20. Tifoil


    I like how on his playing victim post, he had to edit to add the part that Sunday was a no go. It seems like he didnt even planned on telling the fans about it

  21. Tifoil


    Whats odd to me about Rookie of the Year is that they posted this flyer with them playing Buffalo on Sunday and no word from Capulet Fest.

    Their post is from May 30th but up to this week the festival still have them on their schedule.

  22. fbrrocks


    The buffalo show when u go to tickets says cancelled
    I bet they cancelled the show to do fest
  23. Cmoney86


    Coldplay had 120k people at their Glastonbury set

  24. thatwasamoment

    Since '06

  25. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Some new Underoath tour dates got announced