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Yellowcard Band • Page 288

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by CoffeeEyes17, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. PolarBlare

    Regular Supporter

    I finally got around to buying tour tickets this weekend. Going to the Worcester date, could not be more excited
    williamryankey likes this.
  2. Zachary Dresch

    Trusted Supporter

    Having this band back means so damn much to me. I was always a fan, but having them BACK back makes me appreciate the things I didn't before, ya know? I'm seeing their later records so differently now, loving the shit out of Lift a Sail and Self Titled, and Childhood Eyes...fuck, I'm so happy. Played it at least 10-15 times already today. I have gout as a 30-year-old, and it sucks ass and just had a flare up today, but today has been much better and easier to handle cuz of the new track.

    Thank you, Yellowcard. :)
  3. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    kevin_tron_taco likes this.
  4. shea

    RIP Supporter

    Scoob, Greg and earthlight like this.
  5. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    PolarBlare likes this.
  6. Vox Populi


    So bummed a scheduling conflict got in the way of me missing the EP stream, but I’m even more stoked reading everyone that heard it say how good it was. Loving Childhood Eyes. The bridge is so damn cool! Welcome back, dudes!
  7. DannyZach


    Once again….I don’t know anything about production and mixing but THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE is literally ear candy.
    It just sounds so fucking good and loud!
    RoKKeR and anonimito like this.
  8. m9tt

    heaven knows what i am

    So happy they're back... not vibing with the single as much as I hoped, but who can complain about new YC?
    Allhailburnzy likes this.
  9. Allpwrtoslaves


    Ugh I missed the stream. If anyone has a link to listen I’d appreciate a pm! I just wanna hear it once these reactions are killing me!
    tyler2tall likes this.
  10. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    I'm just so happy these guys are back
    Scoob and earthlight like this.
  11. pbueddi


    Broke down and finally got a vinyl copy of lift a sail on ebay. Wish i would have gotten it back in the day when it was cheaper, but price wasn’t awful considering.
  12. Michael Schmidt

    Don't recreate the scene, or reinvent the meanings Supporter

    Still annoyed Field Day only did around 1,000 copies of Ocean Avenue during the pandemic. Still need that one on vinyl.
  13. pbueddi


    seems like the acoustic is readily available, but obviously thats not the same.
    Michael Schmidt likes this.
  14. Michael Schmidt

    Don't recreate the scene, or reinvent the meanings Supporter

    I do have that record. Got it back in 2013 or 2014 when it first released.
    pbueddi likes this.
  15. Jdfleming89

    RIP ETID Supporter

    wasnt up to field day how many got pressed. Capitol/EMI only allowed them to press so many.
    cricketandclover and Smee22 like this.
  16. iiiii623498


    I need Paper Walls repressed
  17. Smee22


    I think I had that in my watch list bc it’s gone! Good for you.
  18. Jdfleming89

    RIP ETID Supporter

    this is in the same boat as Ocean Ave, Capitol owns the rights and its only been pressed once. They are controlling the vinyl costs by limiting the pressings and not flooding the market with an overabundance of presses. Its a shame, they could sell soo much. I was lucky to buy Paper Walls back in 2012 and found an unopened first press copy of Ocean Ave in 2014.
    Smee22 likes this.
  19. mmhmm

    Trusted Prestigious

    Vinyl is weird…I remember Ocean Ave being easily available for $20 for 5+ years. Then, just gone.
  20. Michael Schmidt

    Don't recreate the scene, or reinvent the meanings Supporter

    Yep, I didn't think this would be a tough album to get, but I also didn't expect vinyl to blow up in the mainstream like it did. Always felt there would be a market for it with certain genres. And then add in Covid along with the demand growing the way it did and most preorders are a bloodbath now.
  21. pbueddi


    aww sorry about that! Yeah i saw a decent amount of people were watching it and didn’t want to miss it and made an offer (i saw what it was going for on discogs. Oof). Was debating between LAS and WYTTSY, but opted for the former for now (partially because of the artwork).
  22. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    Glad I bought LAS back in the day. I think I got it for $14 on a Black Friday sale in 2014.
    anonimito, earthlight and pbueddi like this.
  23. punkermd


    @williamryankey So, with this new music was it mostly organic, like just the result of everyone being in the room together rehearsing? or did people have ideas that "would be a great Yellowcard song" that were stashed away instead of using them for other projects?
    earthlight likes this.
  24. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    Too bad they aren't reshowing the live stream from the other night. They talked about this stuff in quite a bit of detail.

    Literally reciting this from memory so forgive me if I'm not getting it completely right:

    - track 1 was a Mendez demo that was brought in for this specific project
    - track 2 was initiated from a vocal-only idea that Ryan had that he pitched to the group to flesh out (he mentioned he didn't even write any music/guitar for it)
    - track 3 started from a demo/song that Sean had written years ago around the time of the second hiatus as a song to pitch to other artists. But he never did and brought it back to the group for this project to rework.
    - track 4 (I think) was mostly a newer Ryan demo that incorporates the only guitar riff he wrote for the EP (the bridge?) and the chorus has some reference to/rework of a solo song he had done before. But I'm not sure what that is exactly.
    - track 5 was a Ryan solo song he had done years ago as a "custom" idea for a fan who submitted an idea to him. He had originally asked Sean to do the string arrangements for it so it made sense to bring it back as a Yellowcard song.

    Mostly sounds like they all brought in ideas, some saved from years ago, and reworked them as a group.
    iiiii623498 and sawhney[rusted]2 like this.
  25. Jdfleming89

    RIP ETID Supporter

    track 4 chorus is a full band version of the chorus from Brighton, a song from his latest solo EP
    Crisp X, Smee22 and Mrk_Brdshw like this.